An Unexpected Journey

“This is a story of how a Baggins had an adventure, and found himself doing and saying things altogether unexpected,” Thus begins Tolkien’s classic tale The Hobbit. When Gandalf shows up and announces that he is “looking for someone to share in an adventure,” Bilbo takes a draw on his pipe and says, “We are plain and quiet folk and have no use for adventures. Nasty, disturbing, uncomfortable things.” As every Tolkien lover knows, Bilbo was finally drawn in, unexpectedly, even unwillingly—at first.

Ten years ago did you think you would be where you are right now? Most people would probably say no and I am certainly not an exception. There are so many things we cannot anticipate in this life. When David wrote, “My times are in your hands" (Ps. 31:15) he was confessing that God was sovereign over the whole of his life, indeed, as the rest of the Psalm makes clear, his very life. And when one’s mind reflects on the ‘life and times’ of David, there are many such unexpected (and painful) events in his life. Sometimes God comes into our lives and draws us into another adventure, unexpectedly, even unwillingly.

I have unexpectedly begun a new adventure—working with pastors and churches to help them with one of the most difficult challenges they face. Raising ministry funds. I will continue serving in my capacity as the Executive Vice President for Global Action. Our work is growing and so is our team. It is exciting. I am so thankful for the many rich friendships I am enjoying and the imporant work we are doing together. I will also continue my work as an academic in Cambridge. For me, scholarly activity has always been life-giving. Books make me happy. Lots of them. And now, unexpectedly, I find myself saying yes to the opportunity to help pastors in North America lead their ministries into greener pastures.

About a year ago friend I have known for more than twenty years came calling like Gandalf and asked me to consider joining his firm. I was not expecting that call. I prayed and sought counsel and have received wholehearted support and encouragement from friends, mentors and co-workers. Opportunities do ocasionally come my way—but this one was unexpected—and it also seemed right. It’s not a retirement job—I still have lots of drive and energy. But it is something I could do well into retirement. And it is also something I’m passionate about. Pastors are under a lot of stress. The research is everywhere; it’s impossible to ignore. My conversations with pastors and churches here in the United States and in other parts of the world supports what the research is showing. Pastoral ministry in our day can be very difficult.

The firm I have joined cannot address every challenge that pastors face. There are many, and I hope that I can serve in other ways through coaching. But our firm is really good at helping pastors and churches with the financial stresses they face. Much of the same research shows that financial stress may be the most difficult things that pastors have to deal with—and when there is stress on the church’s finances—it often takes its toll on the pastor’s personal finances and his family. One of the reasons raising ministry funds is such a challenge for pastors is that they simply do not have adequate preparation or experience to do this important work effectively. Our firm can help. We know how to help. We want to help. It is our raison d’etre! CGS served me well as a younger pastor; now I want to help others with the help I have recieved.

I am excited to be on this unexpected journey where I will be serving select clients along with our amazing team of professionals at Church Growth Services. I will be doing some writing here and there on this blog in an effort to encourage pastors and churches. (My academic writing will continue through other mediums.) Reach out to us if you want to start a conversation. If you know of a pastor or church who needs help fully funding their ministry vision, let them know about us! I’m unexpectedly learning to embrace adventure as part of the good and sovereign plan of God for my life. I hope you are too.

Truly “our times are in His hands.”